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Ethereum-based solution for Data Sales

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs Smart Contracts: applications that are executed exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Smart Contracts are a way of transporting anything of value — money, shares or data — without an intermediary, and Ethereum technology makes this possible. It used to be that you’d have to make a request to receive something of value, and wait for an intermediary to facilitate that request. In that regard Smart Contracts are immediate.

We were challenged to develop an Ethereum-based service for Data Sales. The project was based on AIRA shared-state-liability module (https://github.com/airalab). We are offering information (data from radiation dosimeter) via a Smart Contract in Ethereum blockchain. For that, we are using:

  • IPFS — to transfer information and blockchain to receive payment and proof transaction
  • Dosimeter — SMG2
  • OS — Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Platform — Etherium 1.6.5 (Homestead)
  • Ethereum browser — Parity 1.7.0 (Beta)
  • Project management software — Docker 17.06.0-ce

How does it work?

Radiation dosimeter measures ionizing radiation and forwards measurement data to a database. If you are interested to get this data, you will be able to access an online market and conclude an exchange contract. Whenever the data provider receives an exchange request, a contract is concluded. The data will be made available to you as soon as you transfer the required amount of Ether to the network. This process is automated, decentralized and imminent.


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