+1 646 886-6928 info@vironit.com

Mobile App Development

VironIT is a mobile app development company that develops applications for both iOS and Android, including cross-platform app development.

We offer a full range of application design, integration, and management services, and we also can get to work at any stage of a project.


Our Services


iOS App Development

VironIT develops applications for iOS based on Swift and Objective-C. Our team works with the most innovative tools that will create an application to meet your needs.


Android App Development

Our highly qualified Android app developers are ready to provide a customized approach to your project to match your goals and scale.


MVP Development

VironIT covers all major tasks in MVP development, providing results that will help determine the success of your full application.


Cross-Platform App Development

We offer cross-platform application development services that can provide unified user experience across all platforms.

Development Process

We provide full-cycle mobile app development to fit your business domain and budget requirements.


Analyze The Requirements


Research & Strategy


Wareframe and Prototype


App Development


Quality Assurance or Testing



Our Projects

Real Estate
Fitness app
Food Delivery

CAPTUREPROOF Telemedicine App

CAPTUREPROOF is a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine app for patients and physicians to communicate and share pictures and/or videos with the entire team of healthcare professionals.

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HSP Token Wallet

Hackspace application is a cryptocurrency wallet in Ethereum blockchain for managing HAC tokens. This is the most conducive way to be a part of HAC Token Sale Sessions and to manage HAC tokens in the most safe and secure manner.

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Smart Home Management App

This app allows users to interact with smart devices via smartphone: remotely turn lights on and off, run programs on appliances (coffee machines, washing machines, etc.), and more.

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Diet and Nutrition App

Using Diet and Nutrition App, users will be able to manage their calories; receive notifications when you need to eat, rest, exercise or warm-up; follow a customized diet; and connect third-party apps and devices.

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Norwegian Delivery Service App

Norwegian Delivery Service App – facilitating deliveries of food from restaurants, products from stores, etc., via website or mobile app.

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Titan World

Titan World is a strategic turn-based battle game that uses an “active” battle system with players going head-to-head to achieve victory by destroying the other’s base.

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What our clients say about us

I've been working with VironIT almost a year. We have built together several software solutions and platforms. VironIT performance is unbelievable high. Working with VironIT is easy. I strongly recommend this company.


Todd Jones

CEO, QBE Insurance Group Ltd

Working with their talented iOS professionals is an absolute pleasure. We have an enjoyable time engaging in dialogue to solve complex user experience issues. Consistent communication and pace of delivery a what I appreciate most about working with this group


Ben Fureigh

President, Fureigh Inc.

VironIT helped us develop a mobile cross-platform invented to help users measure/track their personal fitness.They did their work on time and were always available for my new requests.


Drew Schiller

CEO, Validic Inc.

The VironIT team strictly adheres to all project deadlines and adjusts additional resources if necessary. During our partnership, they have demonstrated a deep understanding of our product and performed high-quality work. We are planning to keep working with them for the long term. I highly recommend working with VironIT.


Derrick Fitzgerald

CEO, The Marion Group Llc.

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Why choose VironIT mobile app development services?

VironIT is a mobile app development company with 18 years of experience. Our team is ready to develop processes that guarantee high performance and efficiency in this field. We always keep an eye on new technologies, offering promising solutions and first-class mobile app development services.

How do I choose a mobile app development platform?

Base your choice on the specifics of the app you want to create, focusing on your app’s unique needs and the solutions offered by each platform. An app that’s available on both Android and iOS platforms is accessible to more users and therefore has a far better chance of success.

What is the difference between cross-platform and native app development?

Cross-platform apps are developed across all platforms, while native apps are developed for specific operating systems (iOS or Android). If you want to develop an app for both iOS and Android, cross-platform app development will be faster and more cost-effective than a native app development. Although native apps usually have higher performance and allow the use of the entire set of functions of a particular operating system.

How do I manage the product development and mobile application services?

It all depends on the contract model you choose: 1. For contract types such as Time & Materials or Fixed price, we provide a highly qualified project manager who will be responsible for coordinating the development process. 2. If you choose a Dedicated Team Contract model, you will control the project and manage the workflow.

How much does it cost to develop a mobile app?

The cost of creating an app depends on various factors: app size, number of features, platforms, etc. Share your idea with us, and we will provide you with an estimate of your app development cost. You can also use our App Cost Calculator.