+1 646 886-6928 info@vironit.com

Social network for students

This mobile application is a social network created to help students get into top colleges and to study for tough courses.

You have to register and verifies email. Then you get access to the user page with information about the posts, subscriptions, subscribers, groups, etc.

You can create lessons with video and photo attachments. Other users can view, comment and subscribe to news. The number of subscriptions is unlimited.

As you reach a certain number of subscribers, you can create groups. Groups can be closed or open. You can join closed group by invitation or by prior request, which should be accepted by the group administrator. Private lessons can be available only after payment.

Posts can be created either by members of the group or by administrators, depending on the choice of the group administrator. The group owner can delete any post and exclude a user from the group.

The application has two roles: user and administrator.

Each user can create a report — a message to the administrator with a link to a specific post/comment with an undesirable, in his opinion, content.

Admin has access to the following lists:

  • Reports
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Posts

The application allows one to chat or to send messages depends on the recipient’s user settings.

Technologies and libs used NodeJS, ExpressJS, TypeScript, routing-controllers, TypeORM, PostreSQL, Amazon s3, Nodemailer, Mocha, Chai, Socket.io, React Native


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