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E-commerce platform for online cosmetics shop

Project Overview
A two-module system for an online cosmetics shop, with an exceptional feature:
a bonus system with 3 types of commission for the sales managers – all in one app. The sales managers retail the online shop’s products and gain bonuses through the Mobile App, which is connected to the Web App.
The administrator sets the commission rate to each sales manager individually according to  the special bonus system, using the admin panel of the website.

Such a set of features is not available in E-commerce web template systems. 

The developed two-module system for the cosmetics shop consists of:

-Web App with admin panel for the administrator, and
-Mobile App for sales managers.

USA-based cosmetics shop


The project was developed for the owner of a cosmetics shop.

Challenge 1
We were to built a system with a unique feature:

Challenge 2 
The client worked through the platform Shopify for payments arrangements, purchase registrations, and used its online cashier system.
So, another challenge for us was to automate the correlation of the selling process on Shopify, which provides data through API, and our project’s bonus system.

Development Process

Admin Panel of the Web App
The access to the Web admin panel has the administrator only. It has the following features:

-Users – the admin can create a user type – a sales manager or a representative.
-Bonus system. The admin chooses a commission type for each sales manager:

gross revenue commission;
gross margin commission; and 
tiered commission.

-Commission rate – (in percent) for each sales manager individually.
-Start date-End date – the duration of commission.

The admin panel has also got:

-Inventory – the storage, where the goods ordered from Shopify will be displayed, and the administrator could start collecting orders for the sales managers.
-Statistics – the orders made from the Shopify system and the sales managers’ activity.
-Activity history – all the orders made by the sales managers that the administrator has to collect. All the data will be stored from Shopify.
-News – the block with posts and videos which the administrator can upload through his youtube account.
The administrator adds the user to the system, gives access to the Mobile App and controls all profiles and their logins and passwords.

Mobile App
The Mobile App was developed for the sales managers and representatives who will use the mobile app and work for the online shop.

The main page includes:
-The whole sum of proceeds;
-The bonuses amount; and

Also, there are in the mobile app:

-Inventory – the storage where the sales manager makes an order from Shopify. The data from this inventory is displayed at the administrator’s inventory, and the latter starts collecting the order.
On the client’s demand, we built a Running Low Inventory which could send notifications about the top-requested goods that are up to run low.
-Statistics – short information about the manager’s activity.
-News – promo, special offers, posts and videos played by Youtube player.
-Leader board – a competitive table of current top-3 leading managers with their total sales value and bargains.

Admin panel of the Web App:
Back-end services were developed on the Node.js platform
To develop a front-end part of the Web app, we used React.js.
The Mobile App was built with the help of JS React Native

According to all the requirements we built a multi module project for the client:
– a Web App with admin panel for the owner, and 
– a Mobile App for sales managers
The system will optimize and simplify the sales process by the sales managers and stimulate them for more work and higher profit.

