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Natural software portfolio

Energy Management System


This project is an energy management tool designed to keep track of the energy efficiency of any facility or space. This tool is optimized to run on all platforms. It provides you with facilities data: total number and floor space, energy consumption, and movement of funds. The information is presented as charts, task milestones, calendars, etc. Also, you can receive information on each individual building:...


Natural Resources Monitoring



A project for the Ministry of Natural Resources needs. The software for monitoring the environmental situation in the country. We have created 2 modules: The program-analytical module to manage solid municipal waste. Monitoring the situation of the collection and storage of garbage. In particular, its regulations, tariffs and landfill facilities. The program-analytical module "Forest Preservation". Forest monitoring: deforestation, fires, rental areas and more. Client The...


The most viewed works

Environment Overseer



Microservice architecture is a distinctive method of developing software systems that has grown in popularity in recent years. In short, a microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, such as HTTP API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully...


AR Fitting Room




The AR Fitting Room is a virtual fitting room which allows users to pick out clothing and try them all out virtually. This project is built on the most sophisticated technologies: augmented reality and Microsoft Kinect. Augmented reality enables the customers to select a piece of clothing without having to try it on physically.  As a customer, you see yourself on-screen with a 3D copy...


E-Learning Platform for Kids



The project is an education platform for early children ages 5-11. This platform helps children learn across subjects including biologic, genetic, science, and more. This customized, adaptive curriculum targets your child's individual needs to further their achievement. Each student starts with a quick pretest, which determines the best starting point in the curriculum for the student. The algorithm identifies each pupil's strengths and weaknesses and...
