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How to create a credible description for the app store

13.08.2016 Alexa Klimow
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How to create a credible description for the app store

Mobile apps are becoming an integral part of today’s daily life. Scientists predict that mobile traffic today’s over 90% in just a couple of years. Newspaper and magazine apps are now being offered in app stores. High-profile, live event streams are buzzing everywhere on Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook, which apps are available for download in the Android app store or the iTunes app store. Above all, there are gazillions of games and billions of apps scattered across play stores all over the Internet.

This, of course, begs the question: how will people be able to find your app in such a saturated network of app stores? Which is where we turn to app store optimization. In the event that it is set up properly, it will yield lots of organic traffic and downloads for your mobile app. There are a lot of basic factors to take into consideration and, among them, the app description is the one that is the most important. When mobile users find themselves on the profile page of your app, they will want to read on to find out more about it, a step which could prove to be the deciding factor in whether to download it or not. Let’s cross our fingers that they won’t decide to skim over to the next app.

Suck people in with your app description

You don’t have a lot of space to star writing a novel about the app you invented. All you can really use is just 1,255 characters define your app in any play store. There will be a “more” option, but if your text hasn’t hooked them enough to download it, they are not likely to continue on reading anyway. Make sure your description drives home the essence of your app and features persuasive notes to influence people giving it a try. Focus on invoking emotions; do not feed them with bare, mundane facts. Pay attention to the benefits and the value the app is providing to its users. The drawback is they will also split without your participation.

The “above folder” text must be written naturally and provoke readers to learn more about it. It should provide the answer to the question “Why I need it and what will it do to change my life?” Other questions that would be good to think about before you begin writing about the app include:

  1. What are the app’s functions?
  2. Is there a problem that it helps to solve?
  3. What makes it unique?

Concentrate on your narration style

Before you start to write, think of your app and its functions from the user’s perspective, not the creator’s. Pull a string that leads directly to your clients’ hearts, make a story they could identify themselves with, and ride with it. Your potential customer should have a vivid picture of how your app improves their daily routine or helps them obtain certain skills they don’t possess.

At the same time, remember the KISS formula: Keep It Simple Stupid. Don’t use clichés, puns, buzzwords, and words that don’t carry any specific meaning and obscene words.

The Google Play Market and the iTunes App Store review every app manually to find out if the keywords used in the app name and the description are relevant. You must follow this rule in order to maintain a higher ranking and not to be rejected flat out also.

Emphasize the problem your app solves

Let’s be honest, you cannot simply write to the customers: “I created this app to become rich”. This may be true, but the marketing world is created in a way that honesty is not the key element. The message of your app description should be to make the world better and help people. Even if there is not a single problem that your app solves, make sure you are mature enough to create one. The description of the problem and the forthcoming solution your app suggests should not necessarily be visible: use a bit of disguise, let people think about it deeper. Make it short and easy to read.

Make your strong points visible

Get down to the bottom of your app, to the very essence of it, and point it out. There is no need to go into the narration, just mention a few of the key features of your app. At the same time, relax and don’t exaggerate too much. Too many adjectives and too much excitement could make an Old Harry of you. Setting unrealistic expectations could lead to bad reviews in the long run, as your users could feel like they’re being fooled. Never let that happen, stay on the safe side and be realistic.

Your app having credibility will attract loyal users

There is nothing people love more than a third-person endorsement. Get your app some publicity. If you have testimonials from other users, include them. If you ever get your app mentioned in the mass media or forums, keep track of that and be ready to use this information at the end of your app description. Use uplifting quotes from respected websites or bloggers. In the case, your app wins any rewards, make sure they are included as well.

If you still have some space left, you can also provide links to other resources with more screenshots, a detailed description, or flashy testimonials. At the same time, your description could be enriched by impressive download numbers.

Always remember SLAP: Stop, Look, Act, Purchase. Your app and its description must make an impression on the everyday app store rubberneckers. Get their attention and let them enjoy playing your app.

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