+1 646 886-6928 info@vironit.com

Service for planning and organizing events

Service for planning and organizing events with several available dates to choose.
Participants can vote for the date more convenient for them. There are 3 types of votes — “can attend”, “maybe” and “can’t attend”.

Event creator specifies participants, location, date and time, organizers of the event. There are also additional options available, which allows limiting user’s vote options to “yes” and “no” only, to prohibit multiple voting, hide some event details, like the list of other participants and comments. Creator and organizers can edit event after it was created.

Users and locations are usually taken from Active Directory from the server, but external users can be also invited by email.


Tools and technologies used: AngularJS, ASP.NET Core, grunt, bower, Office UI Fabric, AngularJS Material, i18n


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