+1 646 886-6928 info@vironit.com

E-commerce software portfolio

eCommerce Platform


We built an eСommerce platform that lets a person start, grow, and manage a business. Create and customize an online store with a unique domain. Sell in multiple places, including web, mobile, social media, online marketplaces, brick-and-mortar locations, and pop-up shops. Manage products, inventory, payments. The platform allows users to perform the following actions: Create own domains, Control the orders flow, For customers - place...


Smart Servers



The challenge was to create an application to simplify the tasks of data center automation. Its client-side web part supports desktop browsers and mobile and tablet browsers. Applications' modern UI simplifies data center tasks management. To work with virtual servers, you can create hypervisors. Also, you can perform server authentication on the BSA server. You can run the execution of the job on operating systems...


Token Wallet



The challenge was to create an iOS and Android native cryptocurrency wallet in Etherium blockchain for managing token. Creation of wallet app includes generation of 12-word mnemonic and derivation private key and address from it. A four-digit code is used for quick access to the account. The app includes the following: Balance and transaction history, Exchange rates of ETH relative to BTC and Euro, Creation...


Widget for displaying cryptocurrency market dynamics




The challenge was to develop a widget for displaying cryptocurrency market dynamics. The widget was created using the ReactJS framework as a Single page application. Redux was used to store the state of the widget and market data. The visual part is implemented using the Highchart library. Data collection from third-party sources is organized through the REST API. Users of the application can be identified...


Application for tracking market changes




The challenge was to develop an application to track market changes based on data from various exchanges and form customized investment portfolios. Throughout the process of database structure development, we have taken into account various market entities such as Coins, Exchanges, Tokens, ICOs, Funds, Crypto Funds, etc. These entities may have child entities. To store all types of entities, we have implemented a universal table...


Crypto-fiat platform


Crypto Bank is the first licensed Bank providing services both in Crypto and Fiat currencies. This financial ecosystem is created to make cryptocurrencies simple and habitual for everyone. It provides the following services: Bank accounts both in fiat and cryptocurrencies. Deposits in fiat and cryptocurrencies. Instant money transfers. All the other traditional banking services. Visa/Master Card with BTC and other major cryptocurrencies as the hard...


Ethereum-based solution for Data Sales



Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs Smart Contracts: applications that are executed exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. Smart Contracts are a way of transporting anything of value — money, shares or data — without an intermediary, and Ethereum technology makes this possible. It used to be that you’d have to make a request to receive something...





Business: e-Commerce, Social Network Development Environment: MVVM + FlowController Technology: Reactive Cocoa, Mantle Getting rid of some stuff you don’t need anymore is getting super easy with the app developed by VironIT. The unique nature of the app is that it combines e-Commerce platform with the opportunity to store the goods online and purchase them and acting as a social platform for app users to...


Platform for tickets selling that has presented more than 200 sites



Customer: This was an NDA project. Technologies: Drupal 7, Angular, REST API, Swagger doc/gen, gulp, node.js, casper.js, unit tests Dedicated team: 30 persons Project core audience: entertainment companies, catering business, event agencies, etc. The project represents a big base of addresses, proposals, and has personal cabinets for users who replace their sites here. The platform sells tickets to London and New York theaters, workshops, attractions,...





SCANDY is a ready-built platform for live Internet bidding process according to eight schemes, optimized for mobile, tablets, and desktops. SCANDY includes everything online auction needs to keep up with technology and run profitable sales. 8 trading schemes, including English (Traditional Classical), Scandinavian, Dutch, etc., as well as specific modification for auto sales / Motor Vehicle and Car Auctions. It is perfect for business, as well as...
