+1 646 886-6928 info@vironit.com

Decentralized Exchange Platform

Project Overview

This project is a decentralized exchange platform that connects cryptocurrency buyers and sellers. This platform allows a user to remain in control of their private keys when transacting. It employs smart contracts that self-execute under set conditions and record each transaction to the blockchain. Here you can buy and sell digital currencies, like Bitcoin, or Ethereum.

This platform suits better high-volume traders who are able to take advantage of its discounted fee schedule.


  • No Identity Verification. You can get started in minutes. No need to wait for approval from a central authority.
  • Decentralized. Trading takes place on a global P2P network of users.
  • Private. Your data is stored locally on-disk and is never sent to a central server.
  • Easy to use. You can make your first trade in under 10 minutes.
  • Low costs for spot and general trading.
  • A wide range of cryptocurrencies is available for trading.
  • High cybersecurity ranking and user reviews.


FinTech Startup.




The client entrusted us with the development of MVP for decentralized cryptocurrency exchanger.

Development Process

We developed a user interface, smart contract for decentralized exchange and back-end part for the application.

Tech Stack

  • HTML5,
  • CSS,
  • Vue,
  • MongoDB,
  • Express,
  • Node.js,
  • Socket.io,
  • Solidity,
  • Web3,
  • truffle,
  • Ren.js
  • Infura


The pilot app has performed more than 100% profit for the initial 20 days.


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