+1 646 886-6928 info@vironit.com

Growth Platform

Project Overview

This project is a business platform that brings together investors looking for exposure to small and medium business (SMEs) market segments and the current proprietors of those businesses to drive growth in those segments and create value for both the investors and the target SME proprietors. On this platform, investors can obtain information about the company, a description of its business strategy, solutions, and benefits of cooperation.


Private entrepreneur.


Service provider.


The customer entrusted us with the development of a landing page for a business growth platform.

Development Process

The project page was created using HTML, CSS, and SASS. Using Node.js, we created a server for sending messages. The landing page has been hosted on the specified domain. Also, we connected the SSL certificate to establish a secure connection.


The project was released in time. 80 new domains were registered during the first weeks.


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